Transrealities 1
Reviewed by Tony Keen 10-Feb-17
Transrealities shows a lot of potential in its creators, and is worth reading on its own merits.
Transrealities has been kicking around as a concept for a good few years, progressively getting close and closer to reality. Finally, the first issue debuted at Thought Bubble in November, and it’s now available on Comixology, in full colour (and also in a limited number of comic shops).
It’s pretty good.
Let’s start with the artwork. It’s rather lovely. Steven Horry has a fine clear line, that reminds me of Jamie McKelvie. It’s enhanced by excellent colouring from David Cooper. Cooper is operating in quite a primary palette, but that suits the material. There’s also neat lettering from Aditya Bidikar.
Abigail Brady’s script is also good. It’s steeped in superhero traditions, and written with economy and wit. It’s no secret that at the centre of the comic is a trans character – unsurprisingly, Brady writes this subject with sensitivity, without making this an overly preachy issue comic.
It is, of course, not easy to judge a five-part miniseries on the first issue alone – this is mostly set-up, with some good bits of dialogue, and sometimes the mechanics do show. This is certainly not the greatest comic ever written, but then neither is the first volume of Phonogram. There’s a lot of potential here, both in the series and in Brady and Horry as creators. And the comic is worth following on its own merits.