Two new issues of Fanscene
by Tony Keen 17-Jul-22
Two new (and final) issues of David Hathaway-Price’s Fanscene are now out.
David Hathaway-Price, unofficial archivist to UK comics fandom, has released the final two issues of his fanzine Fanscene. Issue 7 is a special issue on the UK indie comics scene, and delightfully includes a new Flimsy strip from Martin Hand. Issue 8 is dedicated to, well, us. That is, to Fantasy Advertiser/FA in all its forms, from its origins in 1965 as a list of comics Frank Dobson had for sale, through its years as the main UK comics fanzine/critical journal, all the way up to its current online incarnation. There are contributions from almost all the people who at one time or another edited FA, lacking only those sadly no longer with us (and even those are represented though archive material). I have a short contribution; Will Morgan’s is rather longer. Both issues (and all the previous issues) can be downloaded from David’s website.